For the Xbox 1 and PlayStation 4 releases of NBA2K22 I worked as a designer on presentation effects forthe core online and offline gameplay features. I also assisted with designing and developing new Live-Operations seasonal event content.
Sink or Swim (NEW)
Fire and Ice (NEW)
Sink or Swim
Description :
Sink or Swim is a 5v5 competitive multiplayer event where users must got undefeated in order to win the top prize. Implementing this event was difficult as it included mechanics for removing users from the matchmaking pool so that they would effectively be eliminated from the tournament style gameplay.
My Title :
My Role :
Sink or Swim was designed by another Visual Concepts studio, our team at VCA worked to implement the feature into NBA2K22 for the Xbox 1 and PS4. I helped with the construction of presentation cameras, debugging said cameras, and coaching other designers through the camera creation process.
Gameplay Video Links :
The following link showcases gameplay from a member of the community.
Fire and Ice
Description :
Fire and Ice is a PVP online Matchmaking event for NBA2K on PS4 and Xbox 1. Fire and Ice gave users immediate ‘Takeover’ which boosted their players attributes and abilities. Catch being that once they score, their takeover immediately goes away and they are put into the ‘Cold’ state which lowers their attributes and abilities.
My Title :
My Role :
I assisted the Live Ops development team in getting this event live through testing, tuning and cinematic development.
Gameplay Video Links :
The following are links to YouTubers playing through the event.